Noom Kanchai-Kan Jom Phalang responded calmly

From the case of a group of teenagers who set themselves up as influential figures in the game Five M, who became well-known on social media before coming out to create heroic deeds in real life, threatening and physically harming others, physically harming others, swallowing cigarettes, eating grass, stripping, etc., but the victims did not dare to press charges, and also alluded to "Gun Jom Phalang" in a way that was reprimanding and challenging, stating that "I want to f.. fuck Gun Jom Phalang's son and Num's wife." In addition, the Thalu Thung gang also challenged Num's program, saying "I won't go, it's a crappy program," amidst the social backlash that fiercely turned against this group of unconscionable children. สล็อต

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