Lottery draw 1/2/68 Lottery statistics that came out on 1 Feb. What are the last 2 and 3 digits that have come out repeatedly? The Government Lottery draw date is approaching. This period is the first period of the year after the long New Year's holiday . The Government Lottery Office has postponed the lottery draw from the 1st to the 1st of Febru
Collection of lucky numbers 1/2/68, popular numbers from every source
Lucky numbers for this draw, February 1, 2025. Let's take a look at which numbers are prominent and which news is popular. We have collected them for you to see. Let's take a look. *** Please use your discretion when viewing. * Lottery News : Look at the license plate number of the pickup truck that caught fire next to the abbot's quarters, bur
Amazing research results: After eating, do this for just 5 minutes.
Amazing research results: Do this activity after eating to reduce the risk of common diseases. Many Thais are sick. Doctors say to try doing it for just 5 minutes, it's better than sitting still. A study published in the journal Sport Medicine found that walking for just five minutes after a meal can significantly reduce blood sugar levels. R
Open for applications for the Civil Service Commission Examination 2025
The Office of the Civil Service Commission is opening applications for the Civil Service Commission Examination 2025, Part A (Paper & Pencil), starting today, 30 January - 20 February 2025. Pass the exam and become a civil servant. The Office of the Civil Service Commission will open applications for the General Knowledge Test (Part A) for t
New statistics! Data reveals 2024, Japanese school children commit
Japan's NHK news agency reported the number of people who died from suicide, with children and school children committing suicide breaking the record for the highest number in history. On January 29, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare released statistics showing that the number of suicides in 2024 was 20,268. By gender, 13,763 were